1. dbmss::paracou16
    Paracou field station plot 16, partial map
  2. divent::mock_3sp_abd
    Mock data
  3. divent::mock_3sp_dist
    Mock data
  4. divent::mock_3sp_tree
    Mock data
  5. divent::non_species_columns
    Non-Species columns
  6. divent::paracou_6_abd
    Paracou plot 6
  7. divent::paracou_6_fundist
    Functional distances between Paracou plot 6 species
  8. divent::paracou_6_taxo
    Taxonomy of Paracou plot 6 species
  9. divent::paracou_6_wmppp
    Paracou plot 6
  10. entropart::EightSpAbundance
    Abundances of 8 species to run examples.
  11. entropart::EightSpTree
    Functional tree with 8 species.
  12. entropart::Paracou618.Functional
    Functional tree of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  13. entropart::Paracou618.MC
    Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  14. entropart::Paracou618.Taxonomy
    Taxonomy (Family - Genus - Species) of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  15. entropart::Paracou618.dist
    Functional distances between pairs of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.